January 2021 - on going
Abigail Sarah
Client : Synnex Metrodata
Location : APL Tower, CP
Number of Storey : 1
Scope of works : interior design
Status : under construction
Contractor : Ties DnB
As the best information and communication technology (ICT) products and solutions distribution company in Indonesia, Synnex Metrodata has an earnest vision to provide a safe and yet, high-functioning office space for this new normal.
The space will accommodate a trackable working and group discussion area, demo space, as well as service area such as pantry and storage.
Striving to practice architecture at best, we endorse teaching and learning relationships between every parties in our projects. A man needs two parents, a building does obviously need more.
November 2015 - Ongoing
Evan Kriswandi, Dhania Yasmin
Client : Intiland
Location : Aeropolis Residence
Status : ongoing
In this project, we are asked to design the signage of Aeropolis Complex. The signage system of Aeropolis consists of street sign, traffic sign, building & fascility sign, and pedestrian wayfinding and information.
The idea of the design is to create an irre-sgular form of the signage, considering the building style in Aeropolis are designed in regular form and in order. The form itself is intended to be eye catching and easy to nd in the middle of the crowd.
As we decided the form, we choose the type of font, the size, the material of the signage, and the color. For the material we choose Aluminium Composite Panel, considering the easy maintanance criteria. We also choose bright and pop color to make it easy to find, and bring more young and playful vibe around the area.