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National Architecture Installation Festival

IndoBuildTech 2022

ICE BSD, 22-27 March 2022


Fiorent Fernisia

Ramadhani Suardhiman


+ MAW Design

Catatan Kuratorial A (35cm x 55cm).png
Catatan Kuratorial A (35cm x 55cm).png
Catatan Kuratorial B (35cm x 55cm).png
Catatan Kuratorial D (35cm x 55cm).png
Catatan Kuratorial C (35cm x 55cm).png

menata                   harta

To answer the call,

"REINFORCING THE BOND OF NATION", monokroma aims to make the reinforcement sustainably, which is by:

1. selecting three main eco-friendly manufacturers; not only that they produce the alternative long-lasting high quality materials for the industry, by using them we help recycle waste, (be it organic, non-organic, or mixed).

2. seeing this opportunity as the beginning of our long-term collaboration; this installation is not the culmination of our exploration, but instead, we would like to highlight the potentials of the materials.

3. committing to reuse/recycle as much materials used in this exhibition for future use.

logo mortier.jpg
logo bell society hitam.png


Husk + Plastic



Bell Society


+ Bacteria

in colaboration with:

+MAW Design

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